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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3152

3rd July 2022
Mt. Biking: Around Felixstowe
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny periods
Max Speed: 24 mph (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 17.25 mile (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Sunday 3rd July – e-bike ***** – Around Felixstowe including lunch with ‘Emily’ – sunny periods.

After yesterdays full-on windsurf in the sun covering nearly 60 miles, I was relieved to have a light wind day for a rest:) It was perfect day to give my easi-fit electric wheel its maiden voyage, Mag has been using hers for a week now and is absolutely loving it. We have had several problems with it, including hitting the disc brakes, some screws falling out of my hub, the hand controllers had to go back, so now use our mobile phones which is so much better and Bluetooth trouble, hopefully everything has now been sorted with help from the lovely Clive from easi-fit and we fully recommend them especially being a nice price compared to a full-on electric bike which is way out of our price range, made cycling a real joy again especially for Mag:) So a day of sunny periods with some top skies once again, Suffolk can certainly do a top sky, hot too when the sun comes out. So started the day with exercises in the back garden with Mag making a yummy egg sandwich for lunch. We leave home at 12.30 after Mag gets my Bluetooth up and using, we don’t switch the power on until after I have visited Underwoods (hardware shop) to get a replacement bolt for my trailer for the princely sum of 90p:) Then when we are on a quiet road we try the leisure setting, there are several options including commute, climb and manual with the slider to quickly increase the power. We head down the track beside the Grove Park and you don’t realise how much help you are getting until you switch it off! You have to peddle but you can cruise along around 12 mph which is a nice speed especially when off-road. Down Marsh Lane, luckily the farm gate is open so we continue to Kings Fleet with the wheat coming on really well now. Then onto out seat at the lovely Falkenham Church where they have laid a new path and it is very quiet, in fact we hardly see a soul, just now we like it:) We enjoy our picnic with the usual stunning views down to the River Deben with several yachts out despite the light winds with a family of buzzards overhead. Well rested we take the usual route back using footpaths and bridle ways to Kirton then Trimely though our beautiful tree lined track with the hills causing us few problems, well apart from my chain that keeps slipping, some adjustment is required there me thinks! On reaching the back of Felixstowe docks Mag heads for home via Morrisons while I continue to the view point by the River Orwell which is quite busy. Through Landguard Nature reserve and round to the prom at the Manor end where I windsurfed yesterday. With it being quiet for the first section I changed down gear and was amazed to cycle 24 mph on the flat! I had the slow down when it got busy and it was the easiest, I have ever got up Convalescent Hill and home. We cant wait to go further afield on our bikes now!

Photo Album here

Toys Used:
Cannondale Trail 5 (electric) 29er



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